Yohden Primary School

Yohden Primary School
Believe Aspire Learn Achieve!

Home Learning

From September 2021 home learning at Yohden Primary School will focus on the key basics we want all children to be confident with: Reading, Spelling, Times table facts and Number bonds.

Each week all children will be asked to:

  • Read at least 3 times and have their reading record signed by an adult who has heard them read.
  • Learn the list of spellings sent home or learn how to the use the spelling rule that is the focus for the week.
  • Complete the requested Times Table Rockstars games or Numbots games given by the class teacher.
  • Complete at least 20 minutes of time on Sumdog. 

There will be times that children maybe asked to complete other tasks or revision by their class teacher ie Year 6 revision for their SATs tests.

All activities will be monitored by the class teachers to ensure children are learning these key facts.

Reception children will be gradually introduced to home learning. 

Autumn Term—reading
Spring Term—reading, spelling and Numbots
Summer Term—reading, spelling and Numbots

All children will also be provided with a selection of home learning projects they can complete connected to their focus of the half term.  These will include activities you can work on with your child. Please send examples of your projects into school.

We would all love to see them.


Remote Learning

Here you will find information regarding remote learning for when child is unable to attend school.

More information can be found in out remote education offer below.

Remote learning offer

At Yohden Primary School we have established Class Dojo as our learning platform.

Class Dojo has many educational benefits as teachers can upload work and children can respond to the work online. Children are able to complete work by writing text, sharing pictures of work and they can even record videos! Teachers can give feedback to children and all work can be completed on the website or app- no other programmes are required. Parents/carers can also get involved through the use of the messaging service, which can be used if your child requires further support.


 In addition to children’s weekly homework being set there are a wide range of websites and resources which are available. Here are some links to useful websites for resources and online learning. Many of these will be familiar to children as we use them in school to support learning.

Times table Rockstars: https://play.ttrockstars.com/auth

Phonics Play:  https://www.phonicsplay.co.uk/freeIndex.htm

Numbots:  https://play.numbots.com/#/account

Sumdog: https://www.sumdog.com/user/sign_in


Other Useful Sites
White Rose Maths – https://whiterosemaths.com/homelearning/
Twinkl –  https://www.twinkl.co.uk/resources/
BBC Bitesize – https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize
Busy things – https://www.busythings.co.uk


Why not try some of the links below to keep your mind and busy active.

Joe Wicks’ (known as the Body Coach) home workouts! https://www.youtube.com/user/thebodycoach1
BBC Supermovers!  https://www.bbc.co.uk/teach/supermovers
Imovers! https://imoves.com/the-imovement
Cosmic Kids https://www.youtube.com/user/CosmicKidsYoga
Go Noodle https://family.gonoodle.com/
Get creative! https://www.naturalbeachliving.com/april-random-acts-of-kindness-calendar/
Mindfulness activities https://positivepsychology.com/mindfulness-for-children-kids-activities/
Crafts: https://www.happinessishomemade.net/quick-easy-kids-crafts-anyone-can-make